The first feature for Starship 9 is "Gay", a quick film created by Todd R Kool and I during English academy class. It's entirely based on a true event. I'll explain. Our academy group went outside to take a group picture for our webpage, however Patchen didn't actually tell Mr. Harris that we were going outside, so when people in the English class saw us posing for our picture, they started complaining that we were having more fun than they were and we all got in trouble for it. It's kind of a stupid little film, but we did all the filming in about an hour and improved about everything we were doing.
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ITEM 2 |
Despite what I've heard as of late, I'm not much good with kids. I enjoy taking care of them, sure, when they aren't my own. But if they were my own, I'd be entirely clueless about what to do with them. I don't want to devote the rest of my life to raising kids who will despise me during their teenage years, then talk about me behind my back when they decide I'm too old to be trusted by myself. I'd like to skip the whole "having kids" phase of my life, if at all possible, and go right to having grandchildren. Then you get the satisfaction of playing with them without worrying about their upbringing. It's a lot like having cats.
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More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff. More stuff.
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ITEM 1 |
I'm still hoping to find a webhost for the old Blue Screen humor webpage as a part of Starship 9 Systems' network. Anyone know any good webhosts that will allow large files of questionable decency for free? First one to say E-Front gets beaten.
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